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The World of Bontanicus is the World of Plants

Botanicus is unique in that the company is a closed cycle grower - manufacturer – seller within the same company. This cycle is "figuratively" expressed by the three Latin words in the company name: HORTUS (gardens) - APOTHICUS (pharmacy - production) - BOTANICUS (name of shops). Growing plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables in our own gardens is the basis for the production of extracts and oils. The extracts are made from fresh herbs, not dried (as is the case in most cosmetic products of other companies). The close proximity of the garden and manufacturing facility provides immediate processing of natural raw materials. All these raw materials that come from our gardens, are classified as organic This certified material we use not only as ingredients for cosmetics but also in Botanicus food products such as marmalade, cordials, chutney, etc. The whole range of our products is produced in small batches to conserve their natural characteristics

Our Value

Organic. Tradition. Quality. Three basic principles that guide Botanicus. We grow high quality plants and herbs that are totally organic. We create our range of products in as traditional method as we can and have the highest possible standards of production and presentation. We do not permit commercial fertilizers, chemical sprays, or other growth stimulants. The soil is rich and naturally pure.

Store Phone number: (852) - 66279189

Store Address: 3C, 20-22, Bonham Road, Hong Kong

Store List

  • Causeway Bay Flag Ship Store  

    • 2/F
    • 66 Causeway Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    • Hong Kong Island 

    Wan Chai Store  

    • G/F
    • 66 Causeway Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    • Hong Kong Island 

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